Great Britain Hockey 93026 GBH Talent Development Framework Booklet | Page 10
Intelligent Trainers*
Player can effectively adapt,
manage and optimise physical
preparation and recovery to
meet specific performance
needs when away from the GB/
HC environment.
Physical preparation: Player
can demonstrate extended
‘warm ups’ to develop game
specific movement skills and
robustness, with increasingly
less guidance and direction..
Recovery: Player can
consistently and independently
develop and apply meaningful
recovery strategies to optimally
recover from training and
Player is able demonstrate
resourcefulness in managing
time and tasks, and in
balancing hockey life and
home life.
Well-being: The player can
self-regulate and maintain
an optimal state of physical,
mental, social and emotional
Sleep, rest & nutrition: Player
is able independently make
good choices with respect to
sleep and rest, and as to what,
when and how much to eat.
They are able to adjust their
energy, nutrition and lifestyle for
optimal health.
Off field development: The
player appreciates the value
of developing professional
and personal skills outside of
Motivated and Driven**
Player is clear on what they
want to do, how to do it, and is
prepared to do what it takes.
Motivation: The player has a
clear ambition, higher purpose
or goal that is ultimately
tied to performance and
‘being the best they can be’.
They are passionate about
achieving their desired goal
and demonstrate appropriate
commitment, optimism and
Drive: The player is sufficiently
conscientious, has a strong
work ethic and values, knows
what it takes to succeed and
is prepared to do what it takes.
They demonstrate persistence
in achieving their goals despite
obstacles over an extended
period of time.
Direction: The player has clear
long and short-term goals/
objectives with a detailed
plan of how these will be
achieved in order to maintain
perspective, stay on track, and
fulfil their ambition.