Whilst the Golden Thread is a guide , there are a number of elements that are important for coaches to create effective learning environments . Key aspects of developing highlyskilled players are motivational climate , questioning and practice design , which is through the more fun , decison-rich activities that are representative of the game , and less repeitive drills .
Games or game-like activity should be an essential focus of each training session , rather than an aspect of the session just played at the end .
This allows players to develop skills , ‘ game sense ’, and an understanding of the rules and tactics to play really good hockey . However , we ’ re not delivering game-like activities for game ’ s sake .
The skill of the coach is to identify the skill-related problem ( area for development ) and then think creatively about the best way to exaggerate the problem and create high volumes of repetition in a variable , game-like environment - think of it as ‘ repetition without repetition ’!
When delivering these sessions , the role of the coach is to be a facilitator , who optimises learning in open environments where players feel valued and actively participate in their own learning through ‘ selfdiscovery ’.