paid your bills on time, what you choose to buy what payment you choose to use. Credit scores are fair, but they still lead toward a caste system because, making one mistake messes up your chances at achieving the American Dream.
Ostensibly, some might say the American Dream is still attainable; however it is not attainable because the credit score system hinders your ability to be successful in most situations. The ability to be successful and prosper is still attainable; it just requires an optimistic person with a strong work ethic. A bad credit score is like receiving a bad grade in school. It is hard to bring a bad grade up just like it is to bring your credit score up. There is no such thing as extra credit when it comes to your credit score. This is why the credit score system makes it tough to be successful.
Credit Scores can cause a callous caste system to further entrench America. There will soon be no middle class anymore. According to Mark Riddix, founder and president of New Horizons Financial Management and registered investment advisor, 61 percent of Americans “always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck and more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps. Everyone in the lower class will be stuck and not be able to move up in life. The credit score system prevents the lower class from working up and actually helps the higher class stay up top.