Grassroots - Vol 24 No 1 | Page 11


invasive species into habitats of natural vegetation put pressure on these indigenous species .
This has affected some of the world ’ s largest free-ranging populations of migratory hoofed mammals , including blue wildebeest and plains zebra . These species support populations of apex predators including cheetah , lion and African wild dog . Long-term monitoring data on African wild dogs shows that their environment will become hotter as the climate warms . They will be less able to forage for food in higher temperatures and will raise fewer pups .
Why migratory species are important
Figure 2 . Starlings prepare to fly to north-west Africa . Patrick Pleul / picture alliance via Getty Images
Migratory species consume tons of food daily . This is digested and redistributed as they travel , transferring nutrients around the world . They also help with pollination , and with maintaining carbon-storing habitats through grazing . For example , deep-sea creatures , particularly tiny zooplankton , migrate from deep waters to the surface at night to feed on phytoplankton . They do this to avoid predators under the cover of darkness . This is the largest biomass migration on Earth . It ’ s not only a survival tactic but also plays a vital role in the carbon cycle , thus regulating Earth ’ s climate .
Protecting migratory species goes beyond conserving biodiversity ; it is crucial for ensuring a healthier future for our planet . By protecting animals that journey , we can expand protected areas , enhance habitat connectivity , and tackle the root causes of overexploitation and pollution .
What to do about it
Figure 3 . African wild dogs forage less as the climate heats up . Martin Harvey / Getty Images
threat of extinction . Over-exploitation from hunting and fishing stands out as the most significant threat to migratory species globally . The report spotlights fishing bycatch as a huge problem . Bycatch occurs where commercial fishers of one type of fish kill other marine creatures that get caught in fishing nets .
Birds : Birds that migrate between Africa and Europe are under “ intense hunting pressure ” from humans in several countries in western and south-eastern Africa . The report points out that there is no coordinated monitoring of the threat to migratory birds in Africa . This limits the international community ’ s ability to understand how big the problem might be .
Migratory animals ’ habitats are being destroyed
The report adds that the Serengeti- Mara ecosystem in Tanzania and Kenya is a “ prime example ” of how agriculture , roads , fences and settlements have caused habitat loss , degradation and fragmentation ( breaking up a habitat into many smaller patches with a smaller total area ).
In Africa , 79 % of new cropland over the past few decades has been established by destroying the natural vegetation where many migratory animals lived , the report says . The report also points out that pollution and introducing alien
The report calls on countries to join forces to restore and protect damaged habitats . This includes expanding protected areas used by migratory species , taking down fences and making more effort to connect protected areas to each other . This will help migratory species to travel more easily . Stronger laws , enhanced international collaboration to curb illegal activities , and reducing bycatch in fisheries are urgently required , says the report .
It calls for action against environmental pollution , including steps to stop light and noise pollution . Strategies to cushion the impacts of climate change on migratory species are also needed .
This report marks a significant step towards creating a conservation roadmap for migratory species . It is a blueprint not only for reversing the declines in migratory species ’ populations , but also for preserving the migration phenomenon itself .
Grassroots Vol 24 No 1 March 2024 10