Grassroots - Vol 24 No 1 | Page 10


Migrating animals face collapsing numbers – major new UN report

Joseph Ogutu

Current Address : University of Hohenheim Reprinted From : The Conversation

T he world ’ s travelling animals –

marine turtles , whales , sharks , elephants , reptiles , wild cats , birds , and even insects – have entered a period of sharp decline , new research has found .
The first ever State of the World ’ s Migratory Species report , released today by the United Nations Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals , showed that the conservation status of many migratory species is getting worse .
The convention maintains a list of migratory species that are already in need of protection . The report shows that nearly half ( 44 %) of these species are in further decline . More than one in five ( or 22 %) of the already threatened migratory species now face extinction . Nearly all ( 97 %) of the migratory fish species that were already in need of protection are now threatened with extinction .
I work as a statistician researching the declines of wildlife populations . I have studied the report and agree that there is an urgent need for enhanced global cooperation and action to slow down , halt and reverse the declines in migratory species populations . We need to preserve the natural phenomenon of migration to ensure a healthy future for our planet .
Which species are listed ?
The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals is a global environmental treaty . It lists a migratory animal if it is endangered , or needs countries to co-operate in order to protect it . There are 4,508 species in the world that are migratory , and the convention lists 1,189 . This report also calls for urgent action to protect about 400 additional globally endangered or
Figure 1 . The first State of the World ’ s Migratory Species report says nearly all migrating fish listed are threatened with extinction because of over harvesting . Monty Rakusen / Getty Images
near-threatened migratory species , primarily birds and fish , that are not currently covered by the convention .
My research has pointed out that migratory species undertake remarkable journeys that connect diverse habitats across the globe . Their travels are not only awe-inspiring natural spectacles , such as the great migration of the Serengeti-Mara wildebeest , zebra and gazelles , but also vital to the health and functioning of ecosystems worldwide .
The report found that the threatened migratory species occurring in Africa , Asia and North America are experiencing the fastest declines . Its findings should alarm us all .
Fish : The world ’ s most threatened listed species are fish . Of the migratory species that the convention lists as needing some level of protection , 97 % are under
09 Grassroots Vol 24 No 1 March 2024