Grapevine grapevine 50w | Page 3

Right Rubbish-Right Bin Play your part in helping to save the Council money by making sure you put the right rubbish in the right bin. Poor waste separation is costly, as the current state of waste separation at Kilncraigs shows. Like any other business, the Council has to pay for to dispose our waste. Every ton of untreated waste that is landfilled is taxed and has an impact on our environment, so we need to recycle as much as possible. The total charge for waste collection at Kilncraigs is £14,466.00 per week, with around £8k of this in costs general waste. Unfortunately, there is a continued issue with food waste spoiling the recyclability of materials in our blue bins - it is not possible to get a good price for paper when contaminated with the residue of soup for example. Where we put the wrong materials into a recycling bin and the level of contamination ends up being over a contractually agreed threshold, the council faces extra charges for not meeting its obligations. In the last six weeks at Kilncraigs approximately eight 1100 litre blue bins have been unable to be recycled as the amount of contamination from food waste has been unacceptable. Those bins are then treated as general waste attracting the unnecessary extra cost of disposal. There is a continuing issue with blue paper towels which have been soiled by food being put into the recycling bin, where it contaminates the waste and means other acceptable rubbish can’t be recycled. Please remember to put blue paper towel which has been soiled by food into the general waste bin. The cost of collecting food waste is met through the diversion of food waste from the general waste bin, so we should all be using the food waste bins provided to dispose of uneaten and leftover food. All collected food waste goes to a plant in Cumbernauld where it is reclaimed as biogas and used to generate electricity with the resulting residue being used as a fertiliser for agriculture and land regeneration. If you put this waste into the general waste bin, it will rot in landfill sites releasing the damaging greenhouse gas methane. We can all do our part to improve our recycling rates and save the Council money. If you would like support to encourage colleagues to separate materials responsibly please contact Jackie Reid at [email protected] Covalent Becomes Pentana The Covalent performance management system’s name has changed to Pentana Performance. This is due to rebranding by the parent company but it’s still the same system and there’s no change to your login or password. The system can still be accessed via your desktop shortcut, or this link - A few other things to note: • The new Council logo has been uploaded and can now be added to reports (let us know if you’d like any other logos uploaded), • If you haven’t already used the Browser version, you should give it a go - just use your usual login and password. It’s more intuitive and user-friendly than the Classic version, and has the added benefits of a web browser - access via mobile devices, bookmarking/favourites, the ‘back’ and ‘forward’ buttons, opening multiple items in different tabs, etc. Please contact Judi Richardson or Rose Hetman in Strategy & Performance with any queries at all about the system, or performance & risk management in general. • Trigger e-mails now contain links which take users directly to the performance indicator, action, etc. in the Browser version of the system, Grapevine 3