Gwynedd Mercy University AY2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog
Academic Integrity
Statement : Academic honesty is fundamental to the quest for truth , which is deeply rooted in our core values at Gwynedd Mercy University . The University highly values academic integrity and expects that each student will conduct his or her academic life in accordance with this expectation . Violations of this core value are considered serious offenses . Violations may include , but are not limited to , the following : cheating on an assignment , quiz , test , or examination ; falsifying data ; grade alteration ; deception to avoid meeting course requirements ; plagiarism in any form ; or assisting another student in cheating or plagiarizing or receiving such aid .
Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy Cheating : is any action that uses or provides unauthorized assistance or material during an academic exercise . This may include , but is not limited to : 1 . Copying or offering unauthorized assistance on tests , quizzes , examinations , reports , papers , or research . 2 . Submission of the same paper or report for more than one course and / or at more than one institution without prior approval of both instructors . 3 . Deception to avoid meeting course requirements . 4 . Externally posting , through the internet or other electronic sources , any course-related materials developed by faculty , staff , or students .
Fabrication : is the falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise . This may include , but is not limited to : grade alteration , research papers , assignments , lab reports , clinical assignments , and any other data gathering efforts . Plagiarism : is to present the words or ideas of another person as one ’ s own . Any assignment ( e . g ., written , oral , poster ) or computer program ( e . g ., presentations , power points , web pages ) acquired in part or in whole from any source and submitted as one ’ s own original work shall be considered plagiarism . Plagiarism also includes , but is not limited to : 1 . The quotation or other use of another person ’ s words , ideas , logic , opinions , thoughts , or theories without use of quotation marks and acknowledgment of the source ; 2 . The paraphrasing of another person ’ s words , ideas , logic , opinions , thoughts , or theories without acknowledgment of the source ; 3 . The quotation or other use of facts , statistics , or other data or materials that are not clearly common knowledge without acknowledgment of the source ;
4 . Copying or purchasing all or any portion of another ’ s academic , research , or creative work — even with the creator ’ s knowledge and permission — and submitting it , in part or in its entirety , as one ’ s own . This includes material available through the Internet or other electronic sources and any material which has been copyrighted . Students are hereby advised that when such material has been copyrighted , its unauthorized use constitutes not only a breach of academic integrity , but also a violation of law that could lead to civil or criminal penalties .
Denying Others Access to Information is any behavior that denies access to scholarly resources or to deliberately impede the process of other students ’ success . This may include , but is not limited to :