Gwynedd Mercy University AY2023-2024 Graduate Academic Catalog
Student Type Full Time Student – Term programs : Undergraduate students taking 12 or more credits , Graduate students taking 6 or more credits . Non-Term programs : all students taking courses which are part of their degree requirements .
Part Time Student – Term programs : Undergraduate students taking less than 12 credits , Graduate students taking less than 6 credits . Non-Term programs : students taking courses outside of their degree requirements .
Other Common Terms Remote Learning -- More than 50 % of the class or program is synchronous , although there may be some asynchronous components as well . Synchronous--Face to face instruction is achieved through real-time , two-way audiovisual technology . Asynchronous-- Instruction and coursework takes place at a time that best suits your schedule , as long as you meet assignment deadlines and requirements . Drop and Withdrawal – Dropping a course removes the course from the student ’ s transcript . Withdrawing from a course keeps the course on the student ’ s transcript with a “ W ” grade . Title IV / Financial Aid – The Title IV section of the Higher Education Act of 1965 is a legislative document signed into law on November 8 , 1965 , to provide educational resources to colleges and universities and financial assistance to students attending these institutions . FAFSA – The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is an application that is free of charge and used to establish a financial aid record for a particular aid year . Students who would like to receive Title IV funding must complete the application at studentaid . gov . Financial Aid Verification — This federal regulatory process requires the Financial Aid Office to validate the income and housing information noted on the FAFSA . During this process , the student must submit various documents to confirm the data noted on the FAFSA . The Financial Aid Office will follow up directly with the student to complete this process . R2T4 ( Return to Title IV ) -- This federal regulatory process examines federal aid eligibility , federal aid received at time of withdrawal , withdrawal date , and period of enrollment / payment period to determine what aid a student who withdraws from the University can retain on their student account . During this process , a student ’ s aid may be reduced and returned to the federal government despite any refunds previously received by the student .