Graduate Catalog 2021-2022 | Page 33

Gwynedd Mercy University ( v 8-11-21 )
AY2021-2022 Graduate Academic Catalog
https :// www . coarc . com / Contact / Complaint-Process . aspx
https :// www . jrcert . org / students / process-for-reporting-allegations / report-anallegation /
https :// www . aota . org / Education-Careers / Accreditation / Policies . aspx o Section V . B . 1 - Click on " Form for Complaints Against Programs "
https :// iacbe . org / wp-content / uploads / 2017 / 08 / Procedure-for-Third-Party- Complaints . pdf
https :// www . cswe . org / Events-Meetings / APM-Archives / 2016-APM / Continuing- Education / Procedures-for-Complaint-and-Grievance-Management

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COMPLIANCE Federal Consumer Regulations Act
To comply with the Federal Consumer Information Regulations Act , Gwynedd Mercy University makes available upon request a report on job placement statistics and graduation rates . Federal Regulations require that Gwynedd Mercy University make available consumer information for students . This information can be found using the link https :// www . gmercyu . edu / about-gmercyu / fast-facts / consumerinformation .
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FERPA Rights and Policy Notice
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ( FERPA ) is a Federal law which was enacted in order to protect students ' education records at all schools that receive funds under a program of the U . S . Department of Education . This document provides a summary of this law .
Rights of the Student or Parent FERPA gives a student ' s parents certain rights over the student ' s education records until the student reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level . At that time , the rights are transferred from the parents to the eligible student . These rights enable the eligible student or parents to :
• Privacy of personally identifiable information in the student ’ s education records , except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent .
• Inspect and review the student ' s education records maintained by the school . If the student and parents are unable to review the records at the school , they can request copies from the school ( and may be charged a fee for them ). Requests to review educational records