Gracias, Lempira July 2015 | Page 4

My name is Nicole Maria Orellena Murcia . I am 24 years old. I am from Gracias,Lempira. Currently, I live in Tegucigalpa. I am a student of the Tourism Career and I am about to graduate. The purpuse to have chosen this career was to know the important and vaulable tourism is for a country. It is important because it has Its basis in the culture, costumes and traditions of a Country. When I finish my career I would like to develop myself as a micro- entrepreneur. At the same time, I would like to continue with my parents' business which is a restaurant as well as to start a family project which is a Hostel in Gracias, Lempira where tourists can enjoy a good time. I am a visionary person and I am really concerned on the potential Honduras has in terms of tourism. I would like to help the industry to continue developing and to became stronger.