Gracias, Lempira July 2015 | Page 15

Inside, you can explore seven rooms, one of which presents the history of the municipalities in the commonwealth. Another one that details the natural material which the country and these municipalities used for their buildings, their work and materials that can be found in nature. The next room depicts the history of Gracias, Lempira. Another one explains the customs and rituals that are used in the daily lives of the municipalities of the Commonwealth of Colosuca.

The fifth room highlights different myths and legends, the sixth room focuses on traditional cuisine and the final room exhibits old photographs of the residents of Gracias Lempira, including the Galeano family in Honduras and other images which are included in the fifth space. And although there

is much to see at Casa Galeano, there’s no way to miss the fossil pieces, these date back to twenty million years. This site is dedicated to culture and education; it also has a small conference room for meetings with specifically designated institutions. If you’re wondering if there are any living members of the Galeano family, indeed there is a great-grandson who is a painter and who could interpret the history and culture of Hondurans in order to preserve the tangible and intangible assets of Honduras.

Open daily from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.