Gracias, Lempira July 2015 | Page 14



Before you begin, your tour guides will provide you with relevant instructions regarding the use of the harness, body position and safety for hands to avoid an accident, and then you will be placed into your harness and helmet; after that all you need is the adrenaline to enjoy this great adventure. As you glide across the wires, at a height of 350 meters, you can overlook at the mountains and the river that runs through the beautiful village of La Campa. Before concluding this tour you will have the opportunity to hike with a group of tourists and a local guide until you reach the final two wires that will lead you to the end of this 3 ½ km long excursion; an experience that is sure to be an unforgettable adventure. Rates: L. 300 for locals and L. 500 for foreigners.

Galeano's House

It is an oasis of art and cultural heritage in western Honduras. The house, built in 1840 in neoclassical style, belonged to the Galeano family. Don Margarito Galeano and Doña Sebastiana Trejo raised 11 children, including Professor Alberto Galeano. You can observe his neoclassical style in all the paintings and murals. He is also the creator of the botanical garden, a place where you can appreciate native and exotic plants, many of which were brought from Cuba, Spain and Mexico.