Grace Point! May 2015 | Page 4

The night after spending the night with Hope, and sleeping in Faith’s bed, we slept in the public park. It was January 1, 2011. It was a cold, rainy and miserable night. There was only one structure in the park that had any shelter aspects to it. It was a gazebo with a hole in the roof, but it kept us dry, for the most part. In the center was a metal picnic table, which we turned on its side to form a barricade from the splash of the rain dripping through, and also from the traffic from the road just about one hundred feet away. James hardly slept at all, sitting up against one of the decorative lattice panels that ran the perimeter of the structure. There was a street light just a few yards away so, even though there was a heavy fog hanging in the air, there was great potential that we could be seen. Since I had nothing to cover my head to keep the heat in, James gave me his ball cap, and he pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up over his head to keep warm. We crouched low behind the picnic table, and settled in for the long night ahead. Earlier in the evening, God had spoken to us, letting us know that we needed to go to Knightsville the next morning, to a church to deliver a prophecy. What happened later in the night and the next morning was the enemy’s attempt to keep us from getting there. Sometime in the early hours of the morning, I saw a tall, hunched-backed silhouette dash from behind one tree to another, about 100 feet from us toward the parking area. The words that came to me were, “Tell James to pray for peace.” He was reading his bible, as he had been the whole night up to that point. As I digested the request made of me, knowing that I couldn’t just blurt out the words, a car came down the road and stopped in a parking area a few hundred feet to our left. It was a deputy sheriff, and was obviously parking there to sleep the remainder of his shift. We tried to make ourselves invisible behind the picnic table. In that town, the homeless shelter had been closed for remodeling, so anyone homeless was arrested. The men were taken into the next county to a shelter, while the women were kept there at an undisclosed location. So, for us, to be caught there would have been detrimental to the plan God had already revealed to us. Around 7am, on January 2, we walked out of the park, and up the sidewalk toward the McDonald’s about four blocks away. The cop that had parked so cl