Grace Point! May 2015 | Page 24

Disciplining Our Children God’s Way Melanie with her three boys I do not think disciplining as a Christian parent is easy and would contend for this point against any Christian who would assert that it is as simple as, spare the rod, spoil the child, by referring to 1 John 1:8; If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. For I believe we are in a continual battle with God, against by Melanie Baker-Nash our sinful flesh – which includes disciplining our children God’s way and not our own. I have found it is like being in the world, but not being like the world when it comes to disciplining my children, as we need to keep ourselves in constant check! And discipline for me is a part of my children’s upbringing in the faith – not really a separate issue. In the past I have read quite a few Christian parenting books and while I would not say this has not been a benefit, I would say the answer for Godly parenting and disciplining our children is found by going to the source Himself. I believe it is out of a close walk with Jesus, connecting with Him through His Word (the Bible) that we become more like Him, and do all aspects of parenting better. I know when I am not parenting as well as I could, that it is actually more related to my own relationship with Jesus than from any other stress. You see, I have found if I slip in my parenting when I slip in my own obedience to His Word…and if this continues too long my heavenly Father, because of His love for me, actually disciplines me! Hebrews discusses our fleshly struggles and God disciplining us as His children: In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as children— “My child, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, or lose heart when you are punished by him; for the Lord disciplines those whom he loves, and chastises every child whom he accepts.” Heb. 12:4-6. NRSV Have you experienced God’s discipline? I have found His discipline to be both gracious and fair. I know I can seek His forgiveness and that, sometimes, there will also be consequences to follow, for I need to learn. I know He looks at my heart and knows if I am truly contrite or not. I find scripture teaches me what God desires, just like the family rules I set for my children, and when I fail, God is gracious and fair with me, as I need to be with my children as their head. 24