Grace Point! June 2015 | Page 24

I am Super-Woman: Sometimes we know something is not right inside us, but we don’t have the understanding of why. I hope this post is a source of God’s wisdom as to the WHY it’s not right to think, ‘I am Super-Woman’ or buy into this notion of womanhood, (as not only mothers are susceptible to this lie). I don’t want to offer just another list of good tips. I want to provide you with a biblical reason to help you live this out. We don’t need more rules – we need the WHY! by Melanie Baker-Nash Romans 12:2 ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.’ Being in the world but not of the world: The world will continually bombard you with media to make you feel unworthy as you are. The enemy hates women, yes hates us enough to want us anxious, depressed, resentful, greedy, self-obsessed, sex-obsessed, travel obsessed, fashion obsessed, competitive, jealous, envious, abusive, ready to speak evil and gossip – you name it…until we’re consumed with things like; mental illness, eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, suspicion, broken marriages and families, isolation, revenge, perverted sexual acts or making ourselves a sexual object, having ‘perfect’ children, exhaustion, financial stress… Yet Jesus says, come to me all you who are weary and take my yoke which is easy and light. He says I love you my daughter, you are special and unique; listen to my voice and rest in me. Find your worth in me. Embrace your diversity within the body; my beautiful bride. Stop comparing yourself to other women or your family to what the world says is good; this will only lead to brokenness. Being transformed by the renewing of your mind: When the world feeds our insecurities with thoughts of not being good enough, we must press i