Here in the “Bible belt” it seems that preaching and pastoring gets passed down through
families as if it were a deed to a piece of land inherited from the previous generation. But,
what if you are one of those people that God is calling to do something different? What if He
has chosen you to head up a ministry in somewhere in tribal Africa? What if He wants you to
risk your life sharing Yeshua in countries where that name could get you killed?
All throughout Scripture, God chose trailblazers to carry His message from one generation to
the next, so that He always had a remnant of followers. In almost every case, these chosen
ones were asked to something that was totally different than what the families expected
them to do. We know how the disciples - the talmidim* - left their families and followed
Yeshua, without question, and without consulting anyone on their life-altering decision.
So, whose footsteps are you following? Are you expected to fill the religious shoes of the
generation before you? Are you expected to do it the way it has always been done? We know
what Yeshua said about following the traditions of men: read Mark 7.
Don’t let the world hold you captive. Instead of the world having a hold on you, you take hold
of the world through the calling that God has given you. To be called of God should be an
honor, and held in high regard, more so than any accolade that people could offer.
Be a trailblazer for God. Don’t let tradition, or unrelenting family members, keep you from
the purpose wherein you have been called.
*talmidim- A plural Hebrew noun meaning "disciples" in its truest sense: those who leave family to study and follow the ways
of their teacher [rabbi]. They study not only to learn what their teacher knows but to become the type of man their teacher
is. From the Hebrew root word "limmud" meaning "instructed". Strong''s #8527. Pronounced tal mee DEEM. Singular talmid.
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