Create exceptional experiences that meet or exceed the diverse needs of our community .
Objective 1 : Authentic Relationships
Establish and sustain meaningful relationships with our community members .
We recognize that to best serve our community , we must truly know our community members , understand their interests and needs , listen to how well those needs are being met , and engage in collaborative discussion on how best to meet the collective needs of the District . We are committed to expanding our efforts to broaden community outreach and engagement , increase meaningful two-way communication , and create mechanisms that enable our community and the District to stay connected with one another on an ongoing basis .
Objective 2 : Easy Access
Ensure easy , welcoming , and inclusive access for all .
We are committed to ensuring ease of access to the District ’ s parks , programs , and facilities . This involves making sure our community members are aware of what we have to offer and that we provide opportunities for all ages , interests , incomes , and abilities at varying locations and times , delivered in a variety of ways ( in-person , virtually , hybrid ). We will continuously seek to improve our policies , procedures , and systems to make it easy to access , understand , and experience District offerings .
Objective 3 : Exceptional Experiences
Create exceptional experiences through trendsetting parks , programs , and facilities .
We are committed to creating and sustaining the delivery of exceptional experiences for all members of the community by offering diverse , unique , high quality , safe , healthy , and fun programs , parks , and facilities throughout the District . Our programs will be innovative and continually refreshed . Our parks and facilities will be cared for , updated , and expanded to meet evolving interests and needs . We will work with the community and our partners to protect , preserve , acquire , and use land , spaces , and facilities to create exceptional experiences for today and ensure the same for future generations . We are committed to being trendsetters not only in our community , but in the region , state , and across the nation .
Objective 4 : IDEA Leadership
Advance inclusion , diversity , equity , and accessibility .
We recognize and celebrate the diversity of our community and are committed to advancing inclusion , diversity , equity , and accessibility . We will seek out , engage , understand , and learn about the unique members of our community and work together to foster an environment of belonging and inclusion . We value and are committed to working with and partnering with individuals , groups , businesses , and others in the community to make this aspirational future for our District a reality .