Conservator J . P . Brown from the Regenstein Center at the Field Museum of Natural History conducted multiband imaging on the wall and scanned the area using various light sources to form a clear image that can actually “ lift ” some of the signatures that have been lost over time . Mr . Brown is best known for his work scanning mummies at the Field Museum and Oriental Institute . Once the images are complete , The Grove will catalog names and dates on the wall for the archives and use in a future exhibit . Weather permitting , work on the project will begin in Summer 2023 . Thank you to the Grove Heritage Association for helping The Grove to conserve and protect such a valuable piece of Grove history . ▪
The Marketing Department and Glenview Tennis Club staff teamed up to create a new Tennis Club logo . The new look includes a more energetic color palette , a “ G ” on the outside of the ball to represent Glenview , and a leaf on lower half of the “ G ” to symbolize the Park District . ▪
Learn more at glenviewparks . org / pickleball-reservation-system . ▪
SIGNATURE WALL ( continued from page 1 )
The project will be done by The Conservation Center and will include thorough cleaning , repair and replacement of rotten wood , treatment of the wall and signatures , and installation of a new protective frame and acrylic with built-in protection from ultraviolet light . In addition , documentation of the restoration process and a full range of photography is planned .
Conservator J . P . Brown from the Regenstein Center at the Field Museum of Natural History conducted multiband imaging on the wall and scanned the area using various light sources to form a clear image that can actually “ lift ” some of the signatures that have been lost over time . Mr . Brown is best known for his work scanning mummies at the Field Museum and Oriental Institute . Once the images are complete , The Grove will catalog names and dates on the wall for the archives and use in a future exhibit . Weather permitting , work on the project will begin in Summer 2023 . Thank you to the Grove Heritage Association for helping The Grove to conserve and protect such a valuable piece of Grove history . ▪
A New Look for the Glenview Tennis Club
The Marketing Department and Glenview Tennis Club staff teamed up to create a new Tennis Club logo . The new look includes a more energetic color palette , a “ G ” on the outside of the ball to represent Glenview , and a leaf on lower half of the “ G ” to symbolize the Park District . ▪
Over the past few years , the Park District has received consistent feedback from residents wishing to see expanded pickleball opportunities in Glenview . This Spring , the Park District opened four new dedicated pickleball courts at Gallery Park !
We now have 21 outdoor courts available for play :
10 Dedicated Pickleball Courts – Flick Park ( 6 ) and Gallery Park ( 4 )
11 Dual-Lined Courts – Flick Park ( 2 ), Rugen Park ( 3 ), Richardson Park , ( 2 ), Indian Ridge Park ( 2 ) and Crowley Park ( 2 )
The park district is currently undertaking a feasibility study to assess the need and possible locations for additional pickleball courts as the sport continues to grow in Glenview . Also new this year , we will be offering reservations for 4 of the 6 dedicated pickleball courts at Flick Park .
Learn more at glenviewparks . org / pickleball-reservation-system . ▪