As part of GOW in Greece, a large event was organized at The American College of Greece for
students who wish to learn more about the prospects and the opportunities of the ICT sector as a
potential career path.
Also, created through Microsoft YouthSpark was widely used to get young people skilled
and ready for digital jobs. More than 5,000 young people have been active on the platform during
the campaign.
Ireland’s GOW was mainly promoted within the public libraries. YouRock and Skillage have been
highlighted along with the IT courses provided by FIT on e-Inclusion and up-skilling in IT for the longterm unemployed. Information stations in public libraries, a shopping centre and a youth jobs &
training fair have been organized as well.
Furthermore, FIT organized training sessions in the AIB (Allied Irish Bank) Lab in Dundrum for eInclusion and a planned demonstration of Skillage with Youthreach Clondalkin. The information stand
was present in the Central Library, where about 250 people have been reached.