For this year’s Estonian GOW, the Smart Work Association and its partners came up with a list of
educational games for youth centres and schools to make learning about career choices, working life
and ICT a fun process and help banish the fear of ICT being “too complicated”. Among other things
young people were able to guess IT professions, test their knowledge of computer parts, complete equizzes and easily create their own educational games.
The educational games were used in informatics lessons in schools all over Estonia. All the partners
used their contact lists to share a web link to the games, whereas youth centres played the games at
their events.
In Germany the campaign addressed both the topics of digital inclusion and employability and aimed
at target groups that are not yet online or need encouragement to use digital media to reach their
purposes. My Tablet-PC and me – getting to know, try out and make experiences was an event
organized for seniors to address the lack of understanding of the new technologies.
Stiftung Digitale Chancen and Chariteam teamed up to launch the platform YouRock in Germany. The
launch event took place in Germany´s National Olympic Training Centre in Kienbaum where youth
attended a one week training camp. Also, four training courses were organized for volunteers in
libraries on how to combine offline and online media to teach young people about e-safety and esecurity.