Good News Press June 2016 June 2016 | Page 3

Good News Press - 3

Crouch Family Statement on the Passing of TBN Co-Founder Jan Crouch

Laurie and I have just watched the transition of our precious Mother from this world to the next ; watched her step into the presence of Jesus and into her heavenly reward . Jan Crouch , known around the world as Momma Jan , has gone home .
To thousands of orphans around the world , and those orphaned in spirit , she was Momma Jan , quick with a smile , a gift , and a word of encouragement .

How To Be Saved - Romans Road To Salvation

Romans 3:23 " For all have sinned , and come short of the glory of God ." Every person who has ever lived on Earth has sinned and fell short of God ’ s expectations , except for the Lord Jesus Christ .
Romans 6:23a " For the wages of sin is death ..." We were all on our way to Hell because there is a price to be paid for sin . It is a physical and spiritual death and eternal separation from God . This eternal separation also includes sinners being eternally lost and cast into the Lake of fire .
Those who battled for the Kingdom of God knew her as a fighter — someone who didn ’ t give up , someone who fought relentlessly to get the Gospel around the world .
To a select few she was not a television figure , but was sister , wife , Mom , or Grandma — an integral part of a family .
Romans 6:23b "... but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ." The good news is we can be saved from this death and separation from God . Eternal life is a gift from God but only available through the Lord Jesus Christ . He is the only way .
Romans 5:8 " But God commendeth his love toward us , in that , while we were yet sinners , Christ died for us ." Man was not deserving of God , we were not righteous but we all were sinners . But God loved us so much that while we were yet doing our things , going our own ways , deep in sin , Christ died for us . He bore the penalty for all of our sins .
Viewers of the Trinity Broadcasting Network knew her as someone who partnered with Paul Crouch in the launch and expansion of TBN , and as someone who came into their homes for over 40 years .
Jan Crouch loved many things , but most of all she loved Jesus , and now has seen Him face to face and has experienced His grace in fullness . She has taken a piece of our hearts with her , but it ' s so wonderful to know that Paul and Jan Crouch are together again , in the arms of Jesus .
Matt , Laurie , Caylan , and Cody Crouch
Romans 10:9,10 " That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus , and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead , thou shalt be saved . For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness ; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation ." Confess the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead , so that God can save you . He doesn ’ t care about what sins you have done in the past . He loves you and wants to save you . Jesus Christ paid the complete price , taking all of mankind ’ s sins unto himself on the cross . We have to no longer be slaves to sin and death .
Romans 10:13 " For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved ." Call on the Lord Jesus and ask him to save you . God wants to . He loves you !