Good News Press June 2016 June 2016 | Page 2

Good News Press - 2

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Good News Press is a Christian outreach publication in the San Francisco Bay Area . This popular high-quality , newspaper , informs and inspires believers , as well as plant seeds into the hearts of men and women that do not know Jesus Christ . Good News Press covers world , national , and local religious news and events , and features inspiring Christian articles and insights . It is available , both digitally online and in full-color printed format . Christian newspapers reach a targeted audience-specifically a family oriented , audience , with strong loyalties and convictions . Why Support Good News Press
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• Urgency … We believe that these are the last days and that Jesus Christ is soon to return .
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The Blessings of Being Persecuted for the Cause of Christ by Sean Gooding

This article is based on a continuation of Matthew chapter 5:1-12 ( the Beatitudes ). Are you ready to suffer for the Lord if need be ? We live in a time when being a Christian is almost being outlawed . It is illegal in many places , and even in North America where the idea of “ free speech ” has been birthed and nurtured for more than 200 years , to stand for what is right . Jesus warned us that as the time of the end approached we would be perilous times for those that believed the truth . He said these words in Matthew 24:9-14 : “ Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you , and you will be hated by all nations for My name ’ s sake . And then many will be offended , will betray one another , and will hate one another . Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many . And because lawlessness will abound , the love of many will grow cold . But he who endures to the end shall be saved . And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the entire world as a witness to all the nations , and then the end will come .” Jesus was answering His disciple ’ s question about the last days and when the end would come . He made it clear that we would be hated by all nations and this is true in our time today . Christianity is seen as a plague to those that are blinded by the evil one the devil himself . Those of us who have been enlightened by the light and life of Christ see the world as it is : a dark place , shading the truth from spiritually dead people . We feel compelled to say something for their wellbeing and find ourselves ridiculed for trying to help people that we love . Isaiah 5:20 tells us this and reminds us that we should expect this to happen : “ Woe to those who call evil good and good evil , who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness , who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter .”
We live in a time when the world system has turned right and wrong on its head . Good and evil are being redefined by Man and for those of us who trust in the definitions that the Lord has given — definitions that secured and founded most of what we call civil society in the last millennia , are seen as intolerant and unloving . To insist , lovingly , that right and wrong cannot be changed and that the definitions of right and wrong established by God are the only definitions that matter and no amount of laws or edicts will ever change that — is intolerable , to lost and dying world . Thus , as the divide between right and wrong become less and less as far as lost mankind is concerned , the rift between Christians and the lost world in which we live will inevitably grow . The natural fruit of this kind of divide is persecution ; lost people en masse will only tolerate being reminded of their sins for so long and then they will hit out . As one reads through the book of Acts you will see that as the Apostles confronted sins and lawlessness with the power of the gospel . People either repented or tried to kill them . We are living in that kind of extreme time in 2016 and on into the future . So I ask : Are you ready ? Am I ready to suffer for the Lord ? For most of us the answer is more worry for our children and wives .
Continued on Page 6