Good News Press January/February 2017 Good News Press January/February 2017 | Page 3

Top Bible Prophecy Stories of 2016 Continued from Front Page By Jan Markell
1 ) Zechariah 12:3 became a blunt reality on December 23 . This was the day the U . N . Security Council voted unanimously to come against Israel . America abstained which is essentially voting with the other members . She symbolically became the world ' s burdensome stone . This was initiated and instigated by the President of the United States which means terrible repercussions are coming to this land . So Israel is to return to 1967 " Auschwitz " borders . The holy city of Jerusalem becomes " occupied territory ." And Israel is further isolated and alienated as predicted .
2 ) The great falling away didn ' t stop falling in 2016 . Many evangelical churches became nothing more than advocates for open borders and multiculturalism . The social gospel made such giant inroads and salvation issues became unrecognizable . Emergent / Postmodernism raged . Other churches fell into lukewarmness . Hardly any would deal with the issues of the day or the Lord ' s return .

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Top Bible Prophecy Stories of 2016 Continued from Front Page By Jan Markell

3 ) The longing for a " man with a plan " was never so prominent . Even CNN ' s Home page begged for a man who could restore order . It asks in smaller print , " Is there a leader who can stop the chaos and heal America ?"
4 ) II Timothy 3 character was on overdrive in 2016 . Various presidential candidates were consumed with pride and selfaggrandizement . Values seemed to tank this past year . National industries featured same-sex ads with no shame . It seemed like everyone was drowning the lake of me-myself-I .
5 ) Israel ' s re-convened Sanhedrin took the momentous step of nominating a High Priest for the Temple--for the first time since it ' s destruction in 70 A . D . The Tribulation Temple is in the works , even though the United Nations just declared this area offlimits to the Jews !
6 ) Israel struck Damascus in early December , targeting some weapons . This is a precursor to what is predicted in Isaiah 17:1 .
7 ) God continues to intervene for His sovereign nation of Israel . In November , he sent a pillar of a cloud of dust and rain to push back
ISIS on Israel ' s border . See it here . He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps ( Psalm 121 ). The cloud of dust and rain stayed right at the border and did not cross into Israel .
8 ) There was stage-setting for the Tribulation ' s natural disasters which will be far worse than anything the world has known thus far . Publications called many events " record setting ," " unprecedented ," and " of biblical proportion ." The Bible calls them " birth pangs ."
9 ) The war on cash intensified . A few nations are banning cash and this will eventually lead to " Mark of the Beast " accounting . Technology was introduced that enables the total payment of goods and services using only an embedded chip .
10 ) Gog-Magog players are getting ready . Russia is the new power player in the Mideast thanks to America ' s absence . So is Iran . Turkey is in chaos and looking to Russia for support . These are the three primary players in Ezekiel 38-39 , although other nations participate .
11 ) Europe is in a meltdown--setting the unstable stage for the arrival of the Antichrist out of Europe . Its godless culture welcomes all things dark and occultic . Their refugee policy has thrown the continent into chaos . It will welcome a " Mr . Fix-It " to calm the storm . On June 1 they had a literal Satanic ceremony as they dedicated the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland . European leaders cheered this . Below is the demonic " goat man " who was celebrated . This was addressed by Amir Tsarfati at our October 15 conference .
12 ) The season of mocking the Lord ' s return intensified . The Christian publication " Christian Today " scorned the Lord ' s return and said a " zombie apocalypse " was more likely .
13 ) The predicted rise of evil continues as foretold in II Timothy 3:13 . A new term was introduced in late 2016 : " Spirit Cooking ." It is too dark to write about but you can Google the information . We don ' t recommend it for sensitive people . It is borne out of the occult followers of Satanist Aleister Crowley and it would have entered the White House and Oval Office had Hillary