Good News Press January/February 2017 Good News Press January/February 2017 | Page 2

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Senate Resolution Condemning Anti-Israel Efforts Continued

“ Efforts to delegitimize Israel have been underway a long time at the United Nations and have now sadly been aided by the outgoing administration , but the time has come to turn back the tide and renew America ’ s commitment to the Jewish state ,” said Rubio . “ When it comes to the U . S . -Israel alliance , we believe that senators of both parties must stand firmly with Israel and condemn efforts to undermine Israel ' s legitimacy . This resolution expresses the Senate ' s rejection of continued anti-Israel efforts at the United Nations , reiterates our commitment to Israel , and urges the incoming administration to work with Congress on this issue .”
“ I am deeply disappointed that the U . N . Security Council passed Resolution 2334 , which is a one-sided text that makes direct negotiations for a two-state solution more challenging . Our Senate Resolution sends the message that the U . S . -Israel partnership is ironclad ,” said Cardin . “ Going forward , Congress will take action against efforts at the UN or beyond that use Resolution 2334 to target Israel . I hope that in 2017 we can look at policies and actions that facilitate resumption of direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians , and I stand ready to support productive efforts .”
“ The decision taken by the
President to abstain from this vote--to fail to act on behalf of an ally represents a failure of leadership and judgment . It is highly regrettable that one of President Obama ' s last actions in office was again to abandon our ally Israel ,” said McConnell . “ As this resolution notes , the United Nations is not the appropriate venue for dictating parameters for a two state solution , this can only come from direct negotiations between the parties .”
“ Since the days of ‘ Zionism is racism ,’ the U . N . has been a fervently anti-Israel body and , unfortunately , that bias has never diminished . Knowing this , past administrations – both Democrat and Republican – have protected Israel from the vagaries of this biased institution ,” said Schumer . “ Unfortunately , by abstaining on United Nations Resolutions 2334 , this administration has not followed in that path . This Senate resolution reaffirms that peace must come through direct negotiations in order to achieve a sustainable two-state solution .”
A PDF of the resolution is available here . The resolution :
� Expresses grave objection to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 ( 2016 ); continued on Page 6