Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press January/February 2016 | Page 7
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A New Christian Search Engine
A New Christian Search
Engine Hopes to Encourage the Christian
Community to Actively
Search for and Support
Christian Websites and
Romans Road To
Man was not deserving of God, we
were not righteous but we all were
sinners. But God loved us so much
that while we were yet doing our
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and things, going our own ways, deep in
come short of the glory of God."
sin, Christ died for us. He bore the
Every person who has ever lived on
penalty for all of our sins.
Earth has sinned and fell short of
God’s expectations, except for the
Romans 10:9,10 "That if thou shalt
Lord Jesus Christ.
confess with thy mouth the Lord Je-
sus, and shalt believe in thine heart
Romans 6:23a "For the wages of sin is that God hath raised him from the
dead, thou shalt be saved. For with
the heart man believeth unto rightWe were all on our way to Hell beeousness; and with the mouth confescause there is a price to be paid for
sin. It is a physical and spiritual death sion is made unto salvation."
Confess the Lord Jesus and believe in
your heart that God raised him from
the dead, so that God can save you.
He doesn’t care about what sins you
have done in the past. He loves you
Romans 6:23b "...but the gift of God is and wants to save you. Jesus Christ
paid the complete price, taking all of
eternal life through Jesus Christ our
mankind’s sins unto himself on the
cross. We have to no longer be slaves
The good news is we can be saved
to sin and death.
from this death and separation from
God. Eternal life is a gift from God
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall
but only available through the Lord
call upon the name of the Lord shall
Jesus Christ. He is the only way.
and eternal separation from God.
This eternal separation also includes
sinners being eternally lost and cast
into the Lake of fire.
be saved."
Romans 5:8, "But God commendeth
his love toward us, in that, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
Call on the Lord and ask him to save
you. God wants to. He loves you!
sites and businesses, to
please submit their website
for inclusion in search results. Small and startup
businesses are especially
encouraged to submit their
websites. Websites can be
added to the database free
of charge; however, submitters must first affirm their
acceptance of Christ Jesus
as Lord and Savior and is a new
search engine that hopes to swer a few Bible questions,
before being permitted to
encourage the Christian
include their website in
community to actively
search results. Once a websearch for and support
Christian and family orient- site is submitted, it generaled websites and businesses. ly takes a few days before
the website begins to show
up in search results on
Says the website's owner,
"The world we live in is a
reflection of what we value.
People interested in adding
We communicate to the
a website to TrueSearch can
world our value system
visit and
through the choices we
make, be it what to have for click the 'Add a Website' link
dinner, who to buy a car
at the top of the page .
from, or what to search for
on the internet. Actively
searching for and doing
business with Christian
companies communicates to the world that
what we value above all
is Christ Jesus and
God's word. The
world...businesses and
accordingly, transforming the world to the
Glory of God in the process." is a
small, startup, Christian
business. They are asking all Christian churches, and Christian and
family oriented web-