Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press January/February 2016 | Page 6

Good News Press - 6 Top Bible Prophecy Stories of 2015 Continued from Page 2 From YouTube, to Google, to Facebook, to Twitter, and more, the gospel message is censored and evil is glorified. They are preparing the way for "Mark of the Beast" technology. This was on overdrive in 2015. This ministry came under the gun and was censored more than once. Stories reveal that Windows 10 actually spies on emails, credit cards, and more. 12) There was a cry for a global religion from Pope Francis to the Parliament of World Religions in Utah in late 2015. If the world is ever to be one, religions also must be united. Pope Francis revealed himself to be an apocalyptic figure in 2015. We cannot "pin the tail of the False Prophet" on him quite yet, but even conservative Catholics are troubled by this Jesuit Pope. In fact, this Pope represents Marxism, environmentalism, the new world order, global government, sustainable development, the Jesuit agenda, unity of faiths, a global constitution, a global court, and a departure from Catholic traditions. He is surely a harbinger of a global religion. year. With stage-setting for fulfill- ment of Bible prophecy during this Church Age winding up, it should be of no surprise that there has been tension on Mount Moriah. That may be the most contested 35 acres on the planet. 16) This was the year Bible proph- ecy was mocked and attacked more than ever! Believers in our "blessed hope" were called "End-time Eddies and Esthers." While this has always existed, now more and more prominent teachers are telling us not to waste our time on doom and gloom. Liberal, Godless Europe imploded. Leaders like Germany's An17) gela Merkel lost their minds, put their people at huge risk as terrorists took advantage of the "refugee