Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press January/February 2016 | Page 4

Good News Press - 4 Brightpeak Financial Lists Top 10 Money Mistakes to Avoid in 2016 spiritual nature of money, helping them live with more generosity, while still meeting other financial obligations. The Top 10 list from brightpeak focuses on several key areas, asking:  Are you filing to take maximum advantage of company benefits? Are you aware of what those benefits can provide? Christian Not-for-Profit Offers Suggestions for Building Suc-  Are you budgeting realistically for cessful Financial Futures future expenses, both major planned purMINNEAPOLIS -- At this time of year, it's not hard to find a list of steps you should take to be healthier, happier or skinnier. But if improving the financial outlook for yourself and your family is one of your goals for 2016, don't miss brightpeak financial's advice about 10 steps not to take this year. chases like furniture and new vehicles, and ancillary, minor costs like car tuneups, title renewals and tires?  Are you avoiding the temptation to drift into increased credit-card debt, hoping to pay it off with future raises that may or may not materialize? Are you effectively utilizing the gifts God gave you and making sure your budget agrees with your generosity? "The Top 10 list includes common mistakes many of us make," said Steffes. "They might seem like minor mistakes, but their cumulative impact can weigh down personal and family budgets. We hope the list helps families realize how changing a few behaviors can help them A not-for-profit that empowers Christians experience the joy and potential of living to live with financial strength and gener- with financial strength." osity, brightpeak financial offers sound budget-boosting advice that can help you To read the entire list, go to realize your goals of economic health. The faith-based firm wants to make you p-ten-financial-mistakes-avoid-2016. aware how the actions you don't take can have a substantial impact on your finan- With a range of publications, booklets and other financial products, brightpeak cial future, so it has posted a list of the can help Christians balance their finances "Top 10 Financial Mistakes to Avoid in while meeting their faith obligations. You 2016" on its website. can see those offerings at "A new year gives us the opportunity to refocus our values and priorities," said Lisa Steffes, CEO of brightpeak financial. brightpeak financial is a not-for-profit "Our Top 10 list helps Christians become that empowers Christians to live with financial strength and generosity. It is a aware of key areas where they can take action and become stronger financially." division of Thrivent Financial, a membership organization of Christians founded The brightpeak list describes how avoid- more than a century ago. brightpeak's ing common pitfalls can help individuals mission is to help families and communities thrive and become more resiliand families build a more sustainable, successful financial future. With its unique understanding of faith-built decision-making, brightpeak offers Christians added insights into the emotional and Photo: According to brightpeak financial, it can be tempting to reach for credit cards to finance large purchases, but pulling them out too early and too often is a mistake that can affect financial health all year long.