Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press January/February 2016 | Page 3

Good News Press - 3 2015 Top 10 Religion Stories of the Year Continued from Front Page It claims responsibility for beheadings of 21 Coptic Christians, the burning alive of a Jordanian pilot, the deaths of hundreds on a Russian airliner, and deadly bombings in Beirut and Paris. In the wake of the tragedy, many Southern institutions remove displays of Confederate symbols. 9) The #BlackLivesMatter movement draws support from faith-based groups, including Christians, Jews, 4) Anti-Muslim rhetoric flares in the Muslims and Unitarian Universalists, U.S. and Europe as some politicians amid increased scrutiny of police killcall for surveillance of Muslims and a ings of black suspects and racial isban on Muslim refugees, citing terror- sues in public universities. ism fears. 10) Pope Francis continues his re5) Pope Francis makes a historic visit formist agenda — ending a three-year to the United States where he greets supervision of U.S. nuns, speaking out crowds in Washington, New York and for the needy, streamlining the annulPhiladelphia, and speaks before Con- ment process and recommending a gress and the United Nations. more pastoral tone while upholding church laws on divorce and remar6) Paris reels from its second major riage. terrorist assault in 2015 on Nov. 13 as attackers linked to the so-called Islam- Other stories in this year’s poll, ic State kill at least 130 and wound listed by final ranking: many others at a concert hall, restaurants and other sites. 11) Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik kill 14 and injure 21 in 7) Pope Francis issues encyclical San Bernardino, Calif. Fears of vioLaudato Si on the environment, a call lence in the name of Islam also arise for replacing fossil fuels linked to as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is global warming and lamenting a charged in the deaths of five U.S. serthrowaway culture. Meanwhile, reli- vicemen in Chattanooga, Tenn. gious leaders call for similar goals at the November Paris climate summit. 12) Rowan County, Ky., Clerk Kim Davis becomes a conservative Chris8) A white-supremacist gunman is tian hero for choosing jail over signcharged in the shooting deaths of nine ing licenses for gay couples, citing black worshipers in Charleston, S.C. “God’s authority.”