BU D A P E S T B U D A P ES T BUDAPEST Some fall in love with the city at first sight, some are won over only after a longer period of discovery, but all agree that it occupies one of the most beautiful sites in the world. It may be thanks to its impressive surroundings, the Da- nube River that divides the city, the Buda hills to the west and the Great Plain to the east or due to its varied and beautiful architecture: Renaissan- ce, Byzantine, Neo-Classical, and Art-Nouveau buildings coexist in perfect harmony. Its ext- ensive World Heri tage Site includes: the banks of the Danube, Buda Castle Quarter, Andrassy Avenue, Hero’s Square, and the Millennium Un- derground Railway. To top that, the city has 80 geothermal springs, the world’s largest water cave system where visitors can indulge in a re- laxing bath. For lovers of culture, the only prob- lem is choosing: there are 237 monuments, 223 museums and galleries, 35 theatres, 90 cinemas, 2 opera houses, 12 concert halls and nearly 200 places of amusement. The capital’s best restau- rants are found in Pest. For a unique drink try a Ruin Pub, Budapest’s network of bars in disused buildings that include former tenement houses, factory buildings and community centers. W H Y BU DA P EST? — The 2nd best city of the world — Central position within Europe, neighboring with 7 countries — Awesome nightlife — Budapest is nicknamed as ‘City of Spas’ 2