G O LF T R A V E L E U R O PE G OL F T R A V EL EU R OP E CONTENTS GOLF TRA V EL EUR O P E Hungary Austria 5 Countries — 5 Historical capitals Golf Travel Europe offers customers a tour across five gems of the Central-Eastern Europe, exploring Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic & Slovenia alongside very special golfing experience at the best courses in the region. These countries are treasures of Central Europe, thus they have always been in a friendly competition for visitors to Central Europe. Though only 100-500 km apart, the countries are fundamentally different in history, lan- guage, culture, characteristics and society. Their royal capi- tals are splendid, the Prince, Budapest is a grand and mag- nificent city with avenues and boulevards and the majestic Danube. The Imperial Vienna, which is known for its high quality life and culture, along with nearby Bratislava, which is described the „Little One”. As the Princess, Prague is an enigmatic city of fairytale heritage with rolling hills and gra- ceful architecture. Last but not least Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital, is considered to be a yet undiscovered beauty of Europe. 2 6 Slovakia — Czech Republic — Slovenia — 9 12 17 Prague Vienna Bratislava CZECH REPUBLIC SLOVAKIA W H Y GOL F T R A V EL E U ROPE? AUSTRIA Golf Travel Europe is a subsidiary of Golf Travel Hungary, which has been in business since 2007. We have extensive know- ledge and expertise of the area. We are not only selling golf. We Play it and We Love it! Take advantage of our local roots and experience. Come with us on a special golf tour enriched by the cultural and historical ex- perience these countries offer. Visit museums, spas, wine tasting, concerts! Whether it is a once in a lifetime trip for you or just a vacation we’ll make your budget fit the fun! HUNGARY SLOVENIA Ljubljana — — Budapest 1