Golf Management Australia Winter 2017 | Page 37

introduce Barry to someone you know. “Hi David, I’d like to introduce you to Barry, Barry’s just joined the club. He used to play at North Lake, and then he saw the light”. A – Is for Association. With a bit of quick thinking you should be able to associate the person you have just met with someone else you know who has the same name. Consider this scenario. You have just met Linda at a function at your club. She’s a very fit woman with excellent posture and well-defined biceps. Your mind quickly associates her with Lynda Carter, who played Wonder Woman in the 1970’s TV show. You might not see Linda for another three months, but if the association is a good one for you, your mind will be able to recall her name when you next see her. I - Imagination. It seems that the more vivid our imagination is when remembering names, the better the chance of a recall. I recall years ago meeting an old neighbour of mine for the first time. She E L P L- location. Imagine you are at a lunch and you are seated at a table with 7 people you don’t know. When you go to the bar or the bathroom, practice memorising the location of where everyone is seated. Our minds are very good at remembering things in order. After the event, when you return to your desk, sketch out a little map of the seating plan for your table. You’ll be surprised how useful this method can be. With a little bit of practice and enough time, you will be able to recall the names of up to 10 tables of 8 people quite easily. YOUR PRACTICE PLAN: Start small and slowly build. If you learn one new name a day that’s 365 new names by the end of the year. If you tell yourself this is important and you are willing to practice you will improve. Don’t try too hard, just be willing to try. Improvement tends to come in stages. Don’t expect to immediately be great at remembering names. Give yourself a bit of time. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You wouldn’t expect you golf handicap to drop in three months from 15 down to 1. One final suggestion: Ask some of your bar staff how they remember not only members’ names, but also what those members drink. I’ve found that often the staff behind the bar are excellent at remembering little details. Oh, and if you do bump into me at a golf event and I appear to being giving you a rather blank look, don’t panic. I’m probably racking my brains to recall if you remind me of either Wonder Woman or a giant soccer net. Steve Herzberg y or m e M O E P S E NAM IMAGI introduced herself. Her name was Annette. I immediately thought of her being stuck underneath a giant soccer net. It helped me recall her name. The clear visualisation made it easy for me. Let your imagination run a little wild. It really helps. FAC E S NATIO N WWW.GMA.ORG.AU I 37