go_pCap1_grader.pptx (answer) Homework | Page 3

color in the sixth column — Blue , Accent 2 , and then change the font color to White , Background 1 .
7 On Slide 2 , format the content placeholder with the first
6.000 bevel shape effect — Circle . Format the title with the first WordArt style — Fill – Black , Text 1 , Shadow , and increase the font size to 80 .
8 Display Slide 3 , and then change the slide layout to
Content with Caption . In the content placeholder , from the downloaded project files , insert ​pCap1 _ Heights . jpg . Apply the first reflection picture effect — Tight Reflection , touching .
9 On Slide 3 , format the slide background with the color
Blue , Accent 2 , Darker 50 %. Be sure to apply the background color only to Slide 3 . Increase the font size of the content placeholder text to 24 .
10 Display Slide 4 , and then in the content placeholder , 7.000 insert the Process type SmartArt graphic Segmented