2 Change the Slide Size to Widescreen , and then change 4.000 the Colors to Blue II .
3 Format the background of Slide 1 with the picture
4.000 downloaded with this project — pCap1 _ Skiing . jpg . Select the subtitle , and then use the Eyedropper to change the font color to the dark red color of the skier ’ s jacket . Apply bold to the subtitle .
4 With Slide 1 displayed , insert the second slide from the
2.000 downloaded presentation namedpCap1 _ Company _ Overview . pptx .
5 On Slide 2 , in the content placeholder , center the
6.000 paragraph , increase the font size to 32 , and then apply bold and italic . Click the Bullets button to toggle it off .
6 On Slide 2 , change the line spacing of the content 4.000 placeholder text to 1.5 . Change the shape fill to the first