Go Global Exchange Participant Information! Sept 2013 | Page 5
“Also it’s fun at school when kids poo themselves, or decide they don’t want to wear pants anymore, or when a goat runs through the school, or when goats and chickens steal the kids’ lunches, or when 4 children all stand in the same ants nest at the same time and then all start screaming hysterically. That’s good fun.”
BEFORE INTERNSHIP: Deposit Before your interview, you must pay the $50 deposit at http://aiesecaustralia.org/payment/. If you pay this deposit, you will not be allowed to sit the interview. EP Forms When you pass your MRB, it is your responsibility to make sure your EP form is up on myAIESEC.net and all the details on it are correct. Your EP manager will assist you should you have any problems and you are welcome to ask any questions. We will try and help you as much as we can. Payment It is your responsibility to make sure your fees are paid within a week of passing your MRB. Finding Your Internship Searching and finding a suitable internship for yourself is also your responsibility, not AIESEC’s. Again, we will suggest suitable internships or tell you about certain things to look out for, we will help you find what you want, but in the end, it is your internship, and you are the one who makes the decision of where, when and what to go for. Outgoing Preparation Seminar You must attend an Outgoing Preparation Seminar (OPS) before you go on your exchange. This is to make sure you have all the information and skills you need to survive in the country and perform your internship well. Visas and Flights Visas and flights are entirely your responsibility – AIESEC has no part in your travel arrangements. Your hosting committee may or may not assist you with visas or work permits required – they usually at least provide you with information on how you can start this process. Make sure you ask your internship manager.
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“I don't want to come home, there is so so SO much more to do and I haven’t done half of it.”
Amanda, Cambodia “After our Christmas Eve party, we rode horses out into the desert at 2:30am. The horses were running really fast and none of us had ever ridden a horse before, so I was hanging on for my dear life! Best Christmas ever!” Mei, Egypt
Michael, Ghana
“Taiwanese kids have won my heart over, they are so cute! Oh, and I’m only just getting used to them calling me ‘lao shi’ or ‘teacher’. It’s something I could get quite used to though…!” Leanne, Taiwan
“I had a fantastic exchange and I would like to thank you all at AIESEC for making it possible because it was honestly one of the best times in my life and the friends that I had made in Mauritius were some of the most amazing people. We are even having a gathering in Sydney for most of us to join up again in July! Thank you all; I loved Mauritius!” Bella, Mauritius