GMB union Connect e-Magazine August 2021

WASPI ( Women Against State Pension Inequality )
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has recently found maladministration by the Department of Work and Pensions , ( DWP ) regarding the lack of notice 1950s women received about their State Pension age increases .
Trade Unions , MPs and the WASPI group are now pressing the UK Secretary of State for Work and Pensions MP Dr Thérèse Coffey ) calling on her to set out the process by which her department will “ put the situation right ” for WASPI women .
The move follows the publication of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman ’ s report which condemned the UK Government for “ maladministration ” in relation to changes to women ’ s state pensions .
The Ombudsman ’ s findings vindicate the campaign by the Women Against State Pension Inequality ( WASPI ) and condemned the DWP for failing to provide “ accurate , adequate and timely ” information about changes to the state pension age for women .
GMB supports the WASPI Campaign fighting for justice for all women born in the 1950s affected by the changes to the State Pension Age ( SPA ). WASPI is not against equalisation , but they do not accept the unfair way the changes to the SPA were implemented with inadequate or no notice .
For further information go to : www . waspi . co . uk Bolton Council – New Branch Secretary
Long serving GMB Rep in Bolton Council , Jo Pitchford , has recently been elected as Branch Secretary following the retirement of Alan Flatley after many years of valuable service to the council and GMB union .
Jo is actively involved in GMB ’ s Regional Equality Forum and a strong supporter of our Campaigns for Justice .
Booker Distribution Centre Haydock Jackie Ryan elected as first Booker female Rep
Jackie Ryan has recently been elected to represent Warehouse members at Booker full time during this very challenging time . Jackie is the first female representative at Booker and is learning Transport regs and driver policies in addition to representing warehouse members . Good luck to Jackie in her new role .
Tetrad Furniture Preston
Roxana Popbricioc has been elected as a new GMB Rep at Tetrad furniture manufacturers Preston . Roxana has been a delegate at our National Manufacturing conference , speaking on various motions , and also attended this year ’ s online Congress as a regional delegate .
NHS staff have worked above and beyond during the pandemic - the public have shown their praise and we ’ re on the Government to do the same . We are campaigning for a 15 % minimum pay increase or an extra £ 2 an hour whichever is the greatest . But if we ’ re going to win this proper pay rise - we all need to come together to fight for it .
The more of us fighting for this , the stronger we are . If you want to have a say on your pay - and vote for a proper pay rise - then join GMB today .
To join go to gmb . org . uk / nhs / join
Want to find out more about our campaign ? Visit the GMB NHS Hub for information , posters and resources . GMB has been winning for members since 1889 . We were the only union to reject the 2018 real terms NHS pay cut - we won ' t stand for another . Get us on your side today
https :// www . gmb . org . uk / nhs .