GMB Magazine GMB24 Centre Point Spring 2016 | Page 12

BN M G ACTIO C T A Y R O T C I V N PENSIO nditions On pay and co GMB’s strong membership destroys rotten pension plan G MB has reached an agreement with energy company EDF that protects defined benefit (DB) pensions for members within the company, and keeps the scheme open to new entrants. Members within EDF across 23 locations supported the agreement with a 94 per cent yes vote on a 75 per cent turnout. It secures the existing three DB schemes, and introduces a DB Career Average Re-valued Earnings (CARE) scheme that will benefit the majority of GMB members, and is secured for at least the next five years. The agreement will benefit women in lower-paid positions in customer services in MICK ABRAHAM particular, as well as members Lead rep for GMB, Mick working in nuclear generation, coal negotiated a fairer deal. PENSIONS SAVED GMB’s strong position brought EDF to the negotiating table. stations, corporate and field staff. To reach this position, GMB consulted members widely throughout EDF, and this gave us a powerful mandate so the employer had to take our position seriously. Negotiations were led by GMB’s national pensions officer Keir Greenaway, with national officer Eamon O’Hearn and lead rep Mick Abraham. The whole affair began back in 2014,