Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 5, Number 1, Spring / Summer 2020 | Page 96

Global Security and Intelligence Studies Palabras clave: pensamiento crítico, análisis de inteligencia, analista, operaciones de información 思维有什么关系 ? 评价和测试潜在情报分析师的批判性思维一事遭遇的挑战 摘要 鉴于错误信息和误导性信息的扩散 , 进而对信息和大数据进行武器化 , 本文检验了 21 世纪情报分析师所需的批判性思维技能。此外 , 本文审视了有关千禧一代和 Z 世代情报分析师在情报界指令 203 和指令 610 标准方面的批判性思维能力的关切。还考量了有关如何教授和评价批判性思维技能的辩论。在 ( 批判性思维能力 ) 测试是否适用于分析师招聘这一背景下 , 探究了有关评价该测试和一项由情报分析师完成的测试结果的方法论。 关键词 : 批判性思维 , 情报分析 , 分析师 , 信息操作 Introduction Many people would rather die than think—in fact, they do. —Bertrand Russell, Nobel Laureate 90 percent of analysts don’t know the difference between what they know and what they believe. —Professor Jan Goldman, Intelligence and Security Studies, The Citadel Critical thinking is a paramount skill for humans overall, and essential for intelligence analysts (IA) in the twenty-first century, with the proliferation of false, misleading, and ambiguous information. The current information arena is also rife with malicious content spread by news sources, state and non-state actors, and trolls. What is very concerning is state actors, like Russia, who leverage information as a form of psychological warfare. One of the few resources against weaponized information is critical thinking. Critical thinking forces us outside of our own psychology to confront biases, dissonance, and logical fallacies. Additionally, the twenty-first century global information age is ex- 82