Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 5, Number 1, Spring / Summer 2020 | Page 63

Discovering Influence Operations on A Preliminary Coding Framework speed of each stream was then calculated. a. Mean comment speed was defined as the average of the users’ comment speeds calculated earlier (only users with at least three comments). b. Median comment speed was defined as the middlemost of the users’ comment speeds calculated earlier. 5. The stream was considered anomalous if users were commenting in greater volume and at greater speed than would be expected based upon the stream’s median comment count and comment speed. For this study, a value of 3 was used to establish significance; that is, a mean comment count at least three times the median comment count, or a mean comment speed at most one-third the median comment speed (in milliseconds). This was a subjective definition and can be adjusted for future studies by editing the config. ini file. 6. The users of an anomalous stream were then reviewed. If exhibiting anomalous behavior of their own, their comments were recorded for review by a human reviewer. a. Anomalous users were defined as users whose individual comment count was at least three times the stream’s median comment count and who had a mean comment speed at most Results one-third of the stream’s median comment speed. The custom Python script analyzed 186,847 users across 128 streams from 14 Twitch channels. Of these, we found 7,332 anomalous users across 69 anomalous streams from 12 of the Twitch channels (see Table 1). An archive of the users and comments given in Table 1 is available upon request. We randomly selected and manually reviewed 100 anomalous users, but none were clearly bots. These users posted comments of varying length and content, and many responded actively to other users, suggesting a human was commenting on the stream. Discussion Due to user volume, it was not feasible to manually review all identified anomalous users. The overwhelming majority of the manually reviewed anomalous users were engaged in mere chat spam (rapidly creating or copy-pasting inflammatory, humorous, or emoji comments). Surprisingly, neither the Donald Trump nor Bernie Sanders Twitch channels had anomalous users. We expected IFO actors to target voting-age users within these two channels as the 2020 election approaches, but the lack of IFOs may be explained by IFO actors’ ignorance of the Twitch platform itself. Additionally, these two channels did not stream 49