Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 5, Number 1, Spring / Summer 2020 | Page 51

Psychology as a Warfighting Domain US values. This may require creative and innovative solutions to these modern phrases, so exploring new means to share messages while countering disinformation campaigns is critical. The psychological domain represents the next great shift in warfare. Other nations are choosing to leverage the domain in a way to propagate falsehoods and sow global divisiveness. The US has long stood as a stalwart of truth in rhetoric, often delivering stale and late timed facts to a conversation. By the time the facts have been delivered, fake stories have already convinced the public. If the US is to regain its footing, the DOD should not only formalize a sixth warfighting domain, but should also act to seize the narrative. As history has shown during major combat operations, the DOD has successfully leveraged this capability. The main difference between the information sphere today and during WWII or the Cold War is ease of access. The modern threat, danger, and risk of failure in the information environment are real, and an emphasis on psychological approaches could help. Future research would benefit from articulating a way forward for the DOD, including what command structures and authorities would look like. This article’s review of past uses of psychology as a warfighting domain stresses the importance of such an endeavor. The case studies the authors highlighted show that understanding human psychology changes the ways nations conduct warfare. Information is a source of national power, but without a unified and clearly defined domain, there is no way to decisively dominate and yield this power. Within the domain of psychology rests the opportunity to see an end to conflict before it begins, as Sun Tzu argued centuries ago. Psychological warfare has a varied but significant history and was used both as a tool for nations to take on their foes and as a method to inspire and influence their own populations. During the Classical Era, the Trojan Horse was infamously used as a deceptive device that would force capitulation upon the enemy. Fast-forward to the World Wars, and propaganda was successfully used both to inspire friendly populations and to deter adversary populations from participating in their war efforts. Methodology and psychological science developed during the global conflicts and onwards, within the Soviet Union in particular, led to the refinement of RCT, an operational level planning tool for IO, while the United States refined and developed tactics and equipment for tactical level employment of PSYOP and influence operations. IO continued its evolution into the modern age, where electronic warfare, cyber operations, and the third industrial revolution redefined information operations like never before due to the new speed with which people could generate, transmit, and ingest information. Despite significant changes in information management, the key tenets of IO, based on influencing people, have remained steadfast and will continue to do so as long as human nature remains the same. 37