Global Scholars Digital March 2016 | Page 8

Gandhi who said, " You must be the change you wish to see in the world"

And Dear Old Nelson who said, " People must learn to hate, and if they can

learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to

the human heart than its opposite"

We look up to them so one day we want you to look up to us we fight for

what we know is right because they are our heroes and one day we want to

be your heroes.

It's our burden to bear and even though we hold with sometimes

contempt and sometimes pride, we can see what the future holds for us.

It's not something easily put into words.

For us we can envision more than just material objects and superficial

promises, we see the small things, the little gestures.

We see the change and even though it isn't now. We see it.

So Im done apologizing to future generations because we are the

change and we are changing this for you.

So that you never have to go through the struggles we go through.

So that you never have to hold protests where you're screaming "Black Lives Matter" because its seems idiotic that you have to scream for

someone to realize that your life matters too.

So that you never have to witness people killed on video and see their

murderers let go

So that the same fears and struggles that have their hands clenched

around us, never have to hold you

So that you never have to spend your time worrying and stressed

about things that shouldn’t even be on your radar.

So you don't have to be older than you actually are

So you can actually have the time to spend as a child..

So to my future generations, when we speak of our experiences I hope

you are never able to relate to them.

So to the future generations, even if we teach you nothing else, even

if we show you nothing better.

please just know this,

We did it,

We did this,

We did everything,

for you...

Everything Was Done For You, Continued