Global Rugby Magazine Issue #4 | Page 10

It’s every former rugby playing father’s dream, to have your son or daughter follow in your footsteps and even go further than you did. To give advice, coaching and guidance throughout their young development to see them mature into a future rugby star couldn’t be more rewarding. Now we are all aware of free will and allowing our children to choose their own path, and that’s fine. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give them a slight nudge in the right direction, especially when it comes to playing rugby; the best sporting game in the world. In this article, we are going to address 5 signs that your son is a future rugby star – given the right coaching and guidance to get there because potential and talent simply aren’t enough in this current day and age.

1. Can’t get enough

It is a tell-tale sign if your son simply can’t get enough of his rugby. No matter what age in this scenario, if you take your son to a Saturday morning game, you chat about his performance over lunch, he wants to watch more rugby that night and invite a friend around the next day to go kick the pig skin around the park, he simply can’t get enough of his rugby.

This is a GOOD sign, you are doing something right! We love enthusiastic young players who want to keep playing. There is a saying and it goes like this: “If you have the desire and work ethic, that’s half the battle won. We can teach your son every skill and proficiency he will need if he provides the drive.” Your son could well be a future rugby star if given the right coaching if he simply can’t get enough. His development will improve immensely and you can be that proud dad. For more info on this sort of coaching, visit this link about 1 on 1 coaching in Melbourne.

2. Frequent quality performances

Safe to say if your son is earning man of the match performances on regular occasions, he is already on his way to being a future rugby star. Encourage this sort of behaviour, but also mentor your son and commend his efforts even when he doesn’t receive the player of the day accolade; after all we are constantly trying to keep engagement high in our young athletes and that means spreading the love, so to speak.

Consistent quality performances is something that even the guys at the top of their game struggle with. If your son is constantly performing at a high and impressive level, he is well on his to becoming a future rugby star.

3. Studies favourite players

Your son may or may not have a position in mind he’d like to play but he certainly has a favourite player in a club or international rugby side. More often than not, this favourite player will inspire your child to play the same position, I know I was the same with Christian Cullen which lead me to play fullback for a number of years during my development.