Global Relations 1 | Page 76

The U.S. Military is in a lot of places. Most of the places that they are in, however, are not well known. One of the places they are in is Niger, and that is what this will be focusing on.

On October 4th, four U.S. soldiers came under fire in Niger. All four of those soldiers were killed. Up until that fateful day, the average American had no idea that we had troops in Niger.

The U.S. has been in Niger since 2002. That is 15 years we’ve been there, and most people had no idea we were there. The reason we are there for all of you that are curious, is so that we can establish allies in Africa and so that hopefully there will not be another 9/11. Now there is no need to worry. We aren’t on the war path. America being there is purely preventative.

Some people are upset that we are there. In this section, I will highlight some reasons that they are upset. One reason is that President Trump allegedly said to the widow of one of the dead soldiers that “He knew what he signed up for.” Another reason is that most people had no clear idea that we were there. Although many people are upset, there have been no large scale terrorist attacks since we started this joint force operation.

And finally, I have a question for all the readers. If the U.S. has troops in Niger that nobody knew about, how many other countries do we have troops in that we don’t know about?

U.S. in Niger.

What are they doing?

By Kaleb Taylor

Works Cited

U.S. soldier talking to a group of Nigerian soldiers.