Questions the people should be asking themselves is whether or not we are the problem. Is America the cause or solution for part of the chaos throughout the world? Will Americans continue to be blinded by their leaders and abandon their morals because it seem like the easiest thing to do, or should this country start being more involved with the ongoings in their leadership houses? America is run by its people, and its people place trust witthin its leaders to enforce political action based upon what the people want. Have America's leaders taken control away from its people? Is America controlling not only its own people but the lives of people all around the world? These are questions that need answers. What will you, the people, do to find them?
All of this tampering and meddling the American government does in the world's political affairs affects how we are portrayed to the rest of the world. This may just be the reason we have so many issues and why so many nations have problems. If America is the reason for so many conflicts and disasters throughout the world, when does it stop? How much more can the world take before they are finished with America all together? America has had a mischievous role to play in this world, and they will continue to do so until change happens. But change won’t happen unless it is forced upon America, and it is only a matter of time.
The United States supported the Batista dictatorship as it created the repressive conditions that led to the Cuban Revolution, killing up to 20,000 of its own people.