Global Info Reports Bionic Body Parts - Proving Human the Missing Abil | Page 4
Other Developments
Some other developments in this field are; replacement of ankle-foot, like life prosthetics,
robotic leg controlled by thoughts, a hand having feeling, extremely mobile modular arm,
and retinal implants.
Future of Bionic Parts
It's natural to get driven by some of the advancements related to the bionic parts. In any
case, we should not go wandering off in fantasy land, with a hand similar to that of Luke
Skywalker or ideal vision with another eyeball at this time. Newcastle Univeristy's Kia
Nazarpour cautions us it's still early days. "There's an absence of proof about what bionics
work and what doesn't," it let the humans know. "During the development of medication it
is possible to have various versions test of it in number of trials at clinical level. In the
bionics field, the number of trials is restricted to a few members."
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