Global Info Reports Bionic Body Parts - Proving Human the Missing Abil | Page 3

Mechanical Exoskeleton The organizations EksoBionics and 3D Systems have developed a robotic suit printed by 3D technology that enables individuals suffering paralysis the power to walk again. The bionic exoskeleton, which is referred to as the Ekso, is utilized in the rehabilitation centers to enable patients to heal from some serious injury or a stroke, or to cope with conditions like the cerebral paralysis. Battery-powered motors and sensors are responsible in movement of the legs and compensate brain-muscle functioning that is hampered. Arms Controlled By Smartphone The product by Touch Bionics, known as I- limb quantum, enables patients with prosthetic arms to program commands up to 24 into the smartphone identified with movement and control grips. The robotic attachment utilizes myoelectric innovation for functioning, which enables small sensors to distinguish minute movements of muscle identified with the tasks programmed, and computer in the hands of the patient makes an interpretation of them into many exact activities.