glam grace glam grace | Page 10

He showed me the moment I stop trying is the moment I start being.when you drop the "try" and you connect your "be" to the "ing" have become the "being" I created you to BE...Spirit BEing...BE Spirit...Nothing in your Spirit has to try, your Spirit simply has to be.

Don't TRY to Worship~BE~Worship, Don't TRYto Live the Scriptures~BE~the Scriptures, Don't~TRY to Praise BE~Praise, Don't TRY to go to Church~BE~the Church, Don'tTRYto be Delivered~BE~Deliverance, don't try to be acting saved~BE~saved! We are so busy "trying" that we are not "becoming". The next time you hear your self saying I"m trying, you just spoke a curse, you just spoke I'm annoyed, upset, aggrivated, aggitated, upset and all those other adjectives that I have listed over your life! STOP and TURN your Trying into BE and watch yourself BEcome the BEing GOD destined you to BE! Nike slogan says, "Just Do It' the Kingdom slogan says,"JUST BE!"

Hello everybody I would like to introduce you to my friend, BE.

cristi renea'