Change your life with 5 healthy tips.
We all know that health is probably the most important part in life. If you have a good health, you are going to look radiant, gorgeus and you will generate good vives. Here we are going to share some tips with you, so you can look and feel the prettiest girl on earth. All this tips are easy and quick, so you won't have any excuse to be careless with yourself.
Drink your milk: Think you're getting a nutritional boost from your morning cereal?. Up to 40 percent of the vitamins in fortified cereals dissolve in the milk, If you don't drinj the leftover cow juice, you're not getting the nutrients!
Ice it: Drink a few glasses of ice-cold water before and during exercise.Studies show that the cold stuff can improve endurance by about 23 percent. And ice water forces your body