Dining Etique
Etique es
es 101
- Harshada Kumbhakarna
here is always a perfect way for a
thing to be done. For instance, a
certain number of steps need to be
followed if the work such as reading a book
is to be done. It sounds so simple an
activity. You might be wondering what series
of steps must be followed? It's just reading
a book! What else will you require to read a
book apart from a book and (if you need
them) pair of glasses? Nope. it's not that
First, you have to find a place where you
won't be disturbed and distracted.
Somewhere peaceful and close to nature.
Then, you have to find a comfortable
position on a bean bag or a comfortable
chair. Most importantly, you need to make
sure that you don't start reading without a
mug of coffee; that is an essential one. So
isn't it a long series of things which you
need to prepare for before starting to read
a book? (No wonder I don't read a lot!)
Although, you will be shocked to know
about another thing that we do on a daily
basis and yet most of us, I bet, might have
not even have thought that this thing could
have so-called “rules” to be followed.
These days, every other person claims that
he/she is a foodie. So did you guys know that
the simple act of having food has the longest list
of rules to be followed; commonly known as
"Dining Etiquettes". Let's talk about it in brief.
Although before that, what do you think could
the rules could be about? About 'washing hands
before you start?' or 'not making sounds while
having food?' or anything like that?? No!! The
rules, or should I say the Dining etiquettes, start
from the Table Napkin! Yes, the Napkin you see
on the dining table has few rules attach