GIRLFIGHT: The Official Movie Magazine 1 | Page 7

Don ' t forget to check out the specially-priced companion book also titled GIRLFIGHT : Behind the Scenes , available from GIRLFIGHTMOVIE . COM and wherever books are sold !
DVD Series : Part I : Moonlight ’ s Fights :
Part II : Rachel ’ s Fight : Part III : Jade ’ s Fight : Part IV : The Extra Shit :
Book Companion , 458 pages , color , Hardcover : www . lulu . com / shop / kelcey-coe / girlfightbehind-the-scenes / hardcover / product- 22993869 . html
On Facebook : www . facebook . com / girlfightmovie
Web site : www . girlfightmovie . com was proven false . The fight scenes often depicted girls tackling other girls and running into the cage . " As you ' ll see a mattress was used for the tackling scenes . The only real blood shed was from a surface scratch from an encounter with the cage or someone ' s braces hitting against their lip . I offered first aid and the actresses refused , like Leonardo Dicaprio did in his famous bleeding hand scene in Django : Unchained , citing that it would add to the look and feel of the fight ."
" But a lot of us did get sick and dehydrated . That just comes with the territory . I was involved as an extra in a MTV series shot in Florida in August and all we did was walk back and forth for about 4 hours between standing and waiting for our que . I blacked out several times as I walked off the set , which is near the end of the Universal Studios theme park . All of us , including principal talent , were sweating and dragging our feet off the set due to the brutal heat during those four hours , which ran from 7am to 11am that day . And we even had water available to us . You couldn ' t stay hydrated in Florida unless you were born there it seemed ."
Shaky Cam , Dark Shadows , Flawed Angles , Odd Editing , and Decomposed Shots
One of the critiques of GIRLFIGHT involved its use of the " shaky cam " trick , where some footage was shot without using a tripod .
" It was all done to add to the look and feel . The shaky cam allowed us to get that ' in the moment ' feel so fans could film the intensity and impact of each fight . There was footage where I did use a tripod . Understand this is a DSLR-made film where my lenses had a minimum focal length of 18mm and at most 200mm , mostly using 35-55mm focal length . So tripods don ' t actually make sense when you ' re right up on the girls and you ' re working in a confined 10 foot by 10 foot set . Some shots were outside of the cage and some were overhead to make things interesting . I wanted to stay away from the wide master shots where I ' m most comfortable with . A tripod often got in the way and had to be repositioned . We shot mainly starting at Noon and we noticed lighting changes
" I kept that on purpose but when I darkened the film by setting the opacity lower than 100 % for this footage and overlayered all of the footage yet again with a pure black screen with its own opacity settings , yea , it makes the shadows too dark . But snuff films aren ' t usually made with production values either , especially many of the fake ones seen in the Many Faces of Death series or the incidental police shootings that Fox News recently accidently aired to its world-wide audience , where they ' re just shot " on the fly ". I wanted people to realize Moonlight , although she ' s so cute , is also a complete killer psycho . I even had clean , well-lit footage of Rachel taunting a fallen Angel but chose the darker side to show just how sinister she was ."
The critics took some jabs at the editing which he says the GIRLFIGHT : Behind the Scenes series will show there were good shots .