GIRLFIGHT: The Official Movie Magazine 1 | Page 10

" I grew up on a farm . I witnessed cows and chickens slaughtered for what would become our dinner for that night when I was much younger .
The look and feel of Moonlight eating a human heart resembles organs that are bloody when they come out of animal . The red blood color seems to always look like the gelatin did . Mix that in with all the visual effects and some people accustomed to their parents ' LED 3D HD TVs and OK , they ' re not going to see what I see . HD has been a huge issue for film makers because nothing can ever look real again that was afforded using analog SD footage ."
Sinister , Underground Death Fights
Overall , everything was done to heighten the brutality and sinister demeanor of the characters .
" Like I always told the girls for motivation , the other girl wants to kill you , she wants what you want . Your life depends on it because for your characters it really does . Girls are vicious and this time you ' re brutal as hell . So laugh now and behind the scenes because you ' ll have better chemistry that way . You won ' t hurt each other and you can still make it look like you hate each other ."
Rushed Released
Filming started and took place almost every weekend in April with one day in May . The DVD was released in late June . The film utilized natural lighting with no assistance . Overall , over 20 hours were spent on the production of what came about to be a 10 to 13 minute short film , with many of that being devoted to the title sequences and disclaimer screens . A future release will not have anything in front or behind it , including the credits , except to setup the story . many models and actresses from various genres put into movie roles in this deadly martial arts mashup typically oriented to males . They are often very strong , independent , and capable characters to which younger women can relate .
SYNOPSIS Deep within the Forbidden Forest outside Buckeye City , Ohio , sinister fatal femme Rachel inVites four unlikely model hopefuls into an underground death fight inside a barbaric steel cage surrounded by razorsharp barb-wire . The winner moves on to GirlFight : Model Kombat , granting the survivor a multimillion dollar contract with an international modeling agency .
Moonlight , played by Lindsey McComb , rips into a pregnant Jacki ' s mouth with barb-wire as she holds her in a camel clutch wrestling move . Jacki is played by Becca Chanay . GIRLFIGHT featured only one character who was scantily clad despite critics crying the contrary .
The Trolls Sold the Film
" Obviously trolls no longer live under a bridge . And why would they when their parents can hide them in dark , damp basements and throw down a XBOX , microwave , and tissues and , hey they ' re good to go . So while they think they were sabotaging my film , they actually built the hype that got it some recognition . Free advertising is the best advertising ." www . amazon . com / GirlFight-inVite-Lexi- Roth / dp / B01HR00LGI
On Facebook : www . facebook . com / girlfightmovie